Thursday, January 30, 2014

Battle Report: "Help is on the Way"

Date: 1/30/14
Mission Details:
        Tyranids have overrun the forward positions and have taken aim at the Imperial Strongpoint known as the "Perseus Defense Line." The Commissar has studied the tyranid threat in this sector very closely and has been deemed a "Priority" for evacuation. The situation is untenable and HQ has ordered two aerial units to evacuate any survivors. The vox system is blurred by the electrostatic radiation of the tyranids, but a haunting line is the last thing heard over the radio: "Help is on the Way, just sit tight..."

In Game Time: 1 turn = 1 hour
Fitting Song: Help is On The Way (Rise Against)


The Imperial Line:
(10) The 794th "Fenrir's Chain" Elite Storm Trooper Unit: "Bullet Biters" (Andrew)
(10) The 795th "Preobrasky" Elite Storm Trooper Unit (John)
(5) The Ultramarine Squad  (Wil)
(10) The Vostroyan Squad (Sara)
(10) 101st Airborne Veterans (Nick)
Special Mission Rules: "Vital Asset Secure"- Game ends when vital asset is secured, evacuated, or killed.
                                      "Leave the Dead Where they Lay!"- Casualties remain on the battle field.

The Tyranid Infestation
(25) Hormagaunts
(5) Genestealers
(8) Termagaunts
(1) Carnifex
(1) Lictor
(1) Tyrannofex
(1) Trygon Prime
Special Mission Rule: "Unending Swarm"- Casualties reappear at the deployment zone after killed.

(The Imperial Defense Line)

(The Tyranid Invasion Force)
The First Hour: 
    Tyranids:  The hour started with a charge across the field by the tyranid force, with their charge they nearly make it to the trenchlines of the Imperial Guard. The Tyrannofex blasts off two rounds at the Preobrasky Stormtroopers, lucky for them their trench line protected them well. 
(The Tyranid Charge) 
    Imperium: The hour concluded with vollies of fire from the Imperial Line. The Ultramarine's devastated the Genestealers, killing 2 and their Lictor leader.  The 101st levied fire next, killing several hormagaunts. The Preobrasky's followed suit with a couple kills with their hot shot lasguns in the massive Hormagaunt brood. The Vostryoans would not be out done and also landed several kills between lasgun,  Mortar, and sniper fire. The Bullet Biters found themselves unable to hit, and therefore failed to kill any of the swarm 
(The Line Repels the front of the Tyranids) 
Imperial Forces Lost: 0

Hour Two: 
    Tyranids: In the second hour the tyranids engaged the front line of the guard in close combat. Losing a genestealer to razor wire during the charge seemed to set the tone for the future combat for the Tyranids in this hour. The Tyrannofex launches a couple more rounds at the Preobrasky Stormtroopers, this time killing a man  who kept his head above the trenchline for just a second too long. Close combat would produce no such results...
(The Tyranids Reach the Imperial Line) 
    Imperium: The Imperium sucessfully brought the first wave of tyranids to reach the line to their knees. The Preobrasky Stormtroopers engaged 3 hormagaunts killing them withoul loosing any of their own. The Heavy Flamer of the "Bullet Biters" would finish off the remaining genestealer in one unforgiving sweep. The Ultramarines would destroy the squad of assaulting termagaunts, successfully protecting the "Bullet Biters" in the trench from attack.  This combined with some regular fire would produce a breaking of the fires wave.  Teamwork between the Bullet Biters and the Ultramarines would bring down the Carnifex, to the relief of the line.  The 101st Airborne begin fall back behind the fence to check on the status of their Valkyrie evacuation. 

(The Imperial Line Cleared) 
Imperial Forces Lost: 1 Preobrasky Stormtrooper

The Third Hour: 
   Tyranids: The Tyranid second wave would not be so forgiving... the Tyrannofex, the Tervigon, the Trygon take aim at the line while gargoyles fly overhead, breaching the compound.  The Commissar, under the protection of the vostroyans is forced to fall back behind the fence line, leaving the Stormtroopers and the Space Marines as the rear guard... 
(The Space Marines and Bullet Biters come face to face with the Tervigon)

(The Heavy Tyranid Wave Advances

(The Preobrasky's Face the Tyrannofex with Unwavering Bravery)
        The Imperium: The 3rd hour was not kind to the Imperial Line. The Tervigon killed two men of Bullet Biters, each of which wounded the beast before dying. Meanwhile the Tyrannofex slaughtered 3 of the Preobrasky who were unable to penetrate the beast's thick armor. While the Left Flank took heavy hits, the central line used flamers to repel the incoming hormagaunts, killing 7.  With luck the call for evac was responded to and the fliers made their way into the battle space. 

Imperial Forces Lost: 3 Preobrasky Storm Troopers, 2 Bullet Biter Storm Troopers. 

The Fourth Hour: 
     The Tyranids: The tyranids continued their attack upon the Imperial Line, but not without paying a heavy price. The Tyranids over ran the Preobrasky Stormtroopers. The Tyrannofex killed the remaining 3 on the left flank while the hormagaunt swarm finished off the three in the central line. The hormagaunts killed 2 of the three Bullet Biters in the central line, leaving only one to stem the threat to the gate. The Tervigon killed the all but the Bullet biter sergeant on the left flank.  Space Marine close combat landed wounds on the Trygon, but at the cost of three good Ultramarines. The Trygon would later succumb to these wounds. 
(The Central Line is Decimated) 

(The Left Flank is Crushed) 
The Imperium: The Vostroyans and the 101st escort the Commissar into a trap set by the Hive Mind. Gargoyles take shots inside the compound, killing two 101st Airmen before being killed by volleys of combined fire from the 101st and the Vostroyans. 

(The Gargoyles Breach the Fence Line) 
Imperials Lost: 6 Preobrasky Storm Troopers (Unit Destroyed), 6 Bullet Biters, 3 Ultramarines, 2 101st Airmen 

The Final Moments of Battle: 
    The final two spacemarines charge the Tyrannofex to prevent it from tearing through the fence, killing it, but at the cost of their own lives. The Sergeant of the Bullet Biters engages the Tervigon to hold it at bay long enough for air support to evac the compund before being over run. The final Bullet Biter defends the gate against 20 Hormagaunts, successfully preventing them from getting into the compound. Air Support from a Valkyrie and a Stormraven Gunship evacuate the remaining 101st Airmen and Vostroyans along with the Vital Asset. 

End Result: 
Costly Victory: The asset was indeed secured but at the price of over half the Imperial Line and three entire units. The bravery of the rear guard cannot be overstated, as they successfully held the line long enough to evacuate the Commissar at the cost of every soldier they had. The 101st and the Vostroyans were critical in securing the compound for a safe landing and evacuation zone. Over all the Imperium needed every last man they had to preform above and beyond the call of duty to win this battle ad they were hopelessly out gunned and hopelessly out numbered, but that is exactly what they did. Well done to the Imperial Line! 

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