Friday, January 31, 2014

The 794th "Fenrir's Chain"

  The 794th Fenrir's Chain is the companion regiment of the 795th Preobrasky  Regiment. From the Planet Skylark, a mostly frozen  planet sprawling with coniferous forests.  The Fenrir's Chain is a heavily armored regiment, they are named for the chain that bound the Norse wolf god Fenrir, son of Loki. It is made up of 6 Army Groups.  Odin's Fist and Thor's Hammer are two armored companies boasting heavy fire from Leman Russ squadrons and two Baneblades. Icestorm is an aerial assault group that provides the heavy armor and artillery companies from other air units. Rolling Thunder and Judgement Day levy fire like no other, capable of leveling a city block in only a few shots. The final army group is Thunderhead, a superheavy company boasting the mighty Warhound Titan the Ragnarock.  In addition to these units the 794th sometimes deploys the Ice Riders, a group of wolf calvary that rivals that of the Thunderwolves of the Space Wolf Chapter of the Space Marines.
    The Ice Riders are considered to be the sons of Fenrir himself, they ride the great direwolves of Skylark. To become an ice rider, they must be taken before the Fenrir Commander and prove that they can wrestle a young direwolf into submission and bite it on the nose, for if a man cannot force the beast into submission early on, they can never ride them. Most of those unqualified will not make it through the Trial of the Fang. These are however not the majority of the forces of the 794th, only the elite. Most others join the heavy companies, as it is too cold to march without most dying before reaching their target. There is no such thing as a non-mechanize unit for this exact reason. With the blizzards year round on their home planet, the drivers of vehicles and especially the pilots of air support must be excellent in their field in order to keep their vehicles from crashing or getting stuck in the snow. It is these skills that build the 794th.
     The 794th is best remembered for its Battle of the Grey, a defense against a Tyranid invasion that clashed beast against beast. The wolves and Ice riders and the heavy armor smashed into the Tyranids for 16 days of sustained battery. Only the heavy fire and the sustained artillery kept the tyranids at bay long enough to cut synapse from the hive mind and defend the Grey. Now the 794th and it's companion Regiment find themselves on the Falkland Campaign ready to take on the tyranids in another grudge match.

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