Thursday, March 6, 2014

Battle Report: "No one can stop us... no one."

Mission Details: The Tryand Strike Force has surged forwards and the Imperial Joint Strike Force has countered their advance with a combined Infantry Artillery Battlegroup
Fitting Song: Apocalypse Warrior - Kosinus Music 

The Factions:

Imperial Joint Strike Force

Company Command Squad
3 x Infantry Platoons
1  Storm Trooper Squad
7 x Basilisks
1 Hydra Flak Battery
2 x Baneblade

3 x (20) Genestealer Broods (represented in some cases by Hormagaunts)
1 x (2)  Zoanthrope Brood
2 Carnifex
2 Trygons Prime
1 (20) Gargoyle Brood
1 Flying Hive Tyrant "Steve"

1 Hierophant Biotitan
2 Tyrannofex

The attack columns of the Imperial Joint Strike Force move to engage the Tyranid threat.

The Tyranid swarms onto the battlespace.
The Guard readies itself for the coming storm
 The Red Banner of the 795th waves overhead.
 The Artillery Shells crash into the Tyranid Horde.

Turn 1:
Tyranid Losses: 33 Genestealers, 2 Carnifexs, 2 Tyrannofexes, Winged Hive Tyrant
Imperisl Joint Strike Force: 22 Guardsmen
 The Bio Titan spits its acidic venom into the ranks of the guarsmen. Somehow their morale doesn't crumble and they stand fast.
 The Bio Titan Closes in and the Guard levies every shot it can into its chitinous carapace.
 The Ultima Ratio Regum "The Final Argument of Kings" 795th Baneblade

 The Bio Titan and all of its minions have been leveled under an unrelenting hail of shells and lasgun shots.

Turn 2:
Tyranid Losses: Bio Titan, 27 Genestealers, 2 Zoanthropes, 15 Gargoyles
 Trygon Primes erupt from the depths.
 The Guardsmen are unprepared for the horror that is about to befall them.
 Almost completely annihilated somehow the guardsmen managed to not rout in a spectacular display of courage.
 The Baneblades of the IJSF mercilessly wipe out the vain glorious assault of the Tyranids 

Turn 3:
Tyranid Losses: 2 Trygon Primes
IJSF: 61 Guardsmen

Final Results:
Though badly bloodied the Guard lost no single unit in its entirety but not only that, they IJSF has annihilated to the last bug the entire invading Tyranid Strike Force. The Bug will not forget this defeat and the Guard will never forget their grudge.

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