Sunday, March 30, 2014

Battle Report: "A Red Buffet"

Mission Details:

The Tyranids advance into Blood Bath territory with one objective in mind. To Feast.

The Factions:

Blood Bath:
2 Captains
1 Sanguinary Priest
1 Tactical Squad
2 Dreadnaught
1 Death Company
1 Death Company Dreadnaughts
6 Vindicators
3 Land Raiders
2 Terminator Squads

2 Zoanthropes
2 Carnifexes
2 Tyrannofexes
2 Trygon Primes
1 Flying Hive Tyrant
1 Bio Titan
3 (20) Genestealers
1 (15) Gargoyles

The Battle:

Courageously the last man of the Blood Bath Death Company dies in combat with the Tyrranofex.

The Genestealers swarm through the breaches in the Blood Bath's Outpost walls.
Many of the Defenders are hacked apart before getting off a shot.
The BioTitan looms over the battlespace. Many Marines have already perished in the attempt to kill the behemoth.
Not even the mighty landraider is a match for the Carnifexes Crushing Claws.
The Blood Bath reinforcements are destroyed upon entering the field as they realize that their coming here was in vain.

The last bastion of resistance is swept aside as the genestealer horde charges in.

The Dead:

Lots of Genestealers but no full units are lost.

Blood Bath:
Vindicator Squadron
Death Company
Tactical Squad
Two Terminator Squad
Sanguinary Priest
2 Captains
Centurion Squad
Three Landraiders
Storm Raven Gunship
Death Company Dreadnaught
Dreadnaught and Drop Pod

Result: Sweeping Tyranid Victory.

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