Sunday, February 23, 2014

Battle Report: "The Blood Runs Thick"


Mission Details: The Sword of Macragge has invaded the Western Island. Furious with this encroachment, Blood Bath Dispatches the 1st Company to repel the invaders in what will become the most bloody battle fought in the first turn...

Fitting Song: World on Fire by Les Friction


Sword Of Macragge "Defenders of Humanity"

  • Relic Whirlwind  Scorpius 
  • Storm Talon Gunship
  • Devastator Squad 
  • Dreadnaught 
  • Imperial Guard Veteran Squad
  • Vendetta 
  • Imperial Guard Company Command Squad
  • Basilisk Artillery Piece. 
Tactical Asset Deployed: Signal Jammers 

Blood Bath: 1st Company
  • Terminator Captain
  • 3x Captains
  • 2x Terminator Squads
  • Sanguinary Priest
  • 3x Tactical Squads
  • Assault Squad 
  • Death Company
  • Death Company Dreadnaught 
  • Rhino 
  • Drop Pod
  • Land Raider
  • Land Raider Redeemer
  • Centurion Squad
  • Storm Raven Gunship
  • Vindicator 
  • Vindicator 
Tactical Asset Deployed: Minefield 

Blood Bath Deployment 
Sword of Macragge Deployment 

Turn 1: "A Critical Error Was Made" 
The Sword Of Macragge Remains Consolidated 
Deployment proved to be the death sentence for this battle. At 3:1 odds, the Sword of Macragge deployed themselves inside their outpost and held this position. This proved to be a problem for the spread out line of Blood Bath. With Ordinance raining down upon them, the slow moving Blood Angels Moved across the battlefield in an attempt to make it to the front lines of the outpost.  This however proved to be the bloodiest disadvantage for the larger forces. This was well noted by the Sword of Macragge Commanders...

Sword of Macragge Losses: 0
Blood Bath Losses: 1 Vindicator

Turn 2: "Deep Strike or Shallow Strike?"
Blood Bath Reserves Go Poorly 
The Second turn revealed the second error for the troops of the 1st Company. The Sword of Macragge had deployed signal jammers, this forced the reserves attempting deep strike to be redeployed elsewhere... this caused more Blood Angels to walk toward their target under the shelling of the Defenders of Humanity. This Turn Proved to be even bloodier. 

Sword of Macragge Loses: 0
Blood Bath Losses: Terminator Squad, Terminator Squad, Sanguinary Priest, Vindicator, Terminator Captain 

Turn 3: "Dealers of Death" 

Finally when it seemed that Blood Bath would deal no damage to the Defenders of Humanity, the Death Company Arrived in their Storm Raven Gunship and the Slaughter began. This forced the Sword of Macragge to request air support from another sector in the form of a Storm Eagle Gunship. 

The Death Company Assault on the Trench

The Trench is Cleared
Sword of Macragge Losses:  Devastator Squad and Imperial guard Veteran Squad
Blood Bath Losses: 0 

Turn 4: "BRING IT DOWN" 
The final turn brought death to the Blood Angels in a terrible fashion.  Artillery and Air Support from the Sword of Macragge Sealed the fate of the battle, destroying the Death Company along with a grand majority of the remaining Blood Bath Forces. At the end of the turn quarters was given to a retreating Blood Bath 1st Company. 

Carnage from Avove
End Results: 
    In a stunning and staggering victory by the Sword of Macragge, the Blood Bath 1st Company is forced into a full scale retreat to friendly territory. This is not without its cost to the Sword of Macragge. With most of its infantry destroyed, the remaining forces on this outpost are less than capable of pursuing or pressing an attack.

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