Sunday, February 23, 2014

Battle Report: "Too Many to Save"


Mission Details: Tyranids have pressed their way into the western Island, invading the forces of Blood Bath. Can the Blood Bath 2nd Company survive the oncoming wave?

Fitting Song: Unstoppable by E.S. Posthumus

The Factions:

Blood Bath 2nd Company
Terminator Captain
Furioso Dreadnaught
Terminator Squad
Sanguinary Priest
Death Company
Death Company Dreadnaught
3x Tactical Squads
Drop Pod
Land Raider Redeemer
Storm Raven Gunship
Dreadnaught with assault Cannon
Vindicator Line Breaker Squadron

3 x (20) Genestealer Broods (represented in some cases by Hormagaunts)
1 x (2)  Zoanthrope Brood
2 Carnifex
2 Trygons Prime
1 (20) Gargoyle Brood
1 Flying Hive Tyrant "Steve"

1 Hierophant Biotitan
2 Tyrannofex

Blood Bath 2nd Company 

Tyranid Western Strike Force 

Turn 1: Let the Onslaught Begin 
The first turn depended entirely on the Blood Bath 2nd Company being able to levy enough fire to stop the front lines of the Tyranids from reaching the front lines of their own troops. As luck and the forces of fate would have it, they could not. The quick moving Tyranids flew across the field, sucessfully dodging the majority of the 2nd Company's shots. The Assault phase would let the 2nd Company know the price for poor aim. 
The Fronts Prepare to Meet
Blood Bath Losses: 1 Vindicator, 1 Death Company, 1 Death Company Dreadnaught 
Tyranid Losses: 1 Gargoyle, 4 Genestealers 

Turn 2: "Too Many Wounds to Save... even for you." 
This marked the turning point in the battle, already the Tyranids had pushed through the forward most units, this time the would solidify their victory. Killing an entire Tactical Squad which had been blinded by acid from the Biotitan as well as a second Vindicator the lines would not stop, they pressed onward killing any brave or stupid enough to stand in their way. The end was upon the 2nd Company before the beginning had come to a close. 
The Right Flank is Broken 
Turn 3: "All Units Fall Back!" 
    Turn Three all Blood Bath forces that could reach the edge of the battle field while the brave crew of the Storm Raven attempted rescue of those that could not. The biotitan did not let this go unnoticed, shooting down the Storm Raven, the terminators inside, and the Dreadnaught on the back. The Terminators survived the crash, only to meet a gruesome death at the hands of the Genestealer swarms below. The Dreadnaught, much luckier, managed to retreat to safety. 
Last Stand of the Terminators 

 Final Results: The Blood Bath 2nd Company was smart to retreat, preserving the majority of their forces as the Tyranids advanced onward to a sweeping victory. 
The Battle Space is Cleared

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