Friday, February 7, 2014

Battle Report: "Don't Stop Me Now!"

Date: 2/5/14
Mission Details:
         The Sword of Macragge has fallen upon the Tyranids. The Tyranids have now launched a counter that may be too large for even the Emperor's finest. Now the bloody conflict unfolds in the center of the Eastern Falkland Island...

Game Time: 1 turn = 1 hour
Fitting Song: Breaking Benjamin "Blow Me Away"


The Sword of Macragge: Battle Group Guilliman's Fist  (Wil Detterline)
(1) Broadsword Fellhammer
(10) Tactical Marine Squad
(10) Tactical Marine Squad
(1)  Librarian
(3) Centurion Devastator Squad
(2) Rhinos
(5) Vanguard Veteran Squad
(1) Storm Tallon
(1) Storm Raven
(2) Ironclad Dreadnoughts
(10) Assault Squad

The Tyranids (AI) :
2 X (25) Hormagaunt Brood
9 X (15) Genestealer Brood
1 X (2) Carnifex Brood
1 X (2) Zoanthrope Broods
1 X (1) Flying Hive Tyrant
2 X (1) Trygon Primes
4 X (10) Gargoyle Brood
1 X (3) Biovore Brood


The Marines entered Tyranid territory with caution... to their front was a ridge and who knew what lurked behind it.
(The Space Marine Heavy Corp Deploys) 

The Tyranids were not so careful... they owned this land and it appeared to them that lunch had been delivered.
(The Tyranid Initial Wave) 
The First Hour: "Over the Ridge" 
          In the midst of a fine Falkland Morning the battle group called Guilliman's Fist, in honor of their Prime-arch,  set up a defense against a hill, their eyes set to the ridge beyond, not knowing the horrors that awaited them there. It would not be long before they knew. The Tyranids advanced in never ending waves upon the  The initial assault would cost the marines serious damage to their transports. Tyrannofex fired deadly blasts onto the Rhinos, the only thing keeping the space Marines inside from the claws of the terrors of the enclosing brood.  Without a second thought as soon as range was had on the massive swarms, the Broadsword Fellhammer levied is fire into the enclosing broods. Killing many...but would it be enough? Not if the Tervigon has a say in the matter...

Space Marine Losses:  0 
Tyranid Losses: 25 Hormagants 
(The Wave Advances over the Ridge)
The Second Hour: "Do we Have Enough Ammo?" 
     In the second hour the Hive Mind had its targets, levying fire upon the transports and superheavies alike.  Damage was done. The transports wavered under the fire. Even the mightly Fellhammer was in danger. But the Marines did not fear, for the Emperor Protects... and so too does the Fellhammer's Vulcan Megabolter. Again the fire was intense as hoards of the tyranids front lines fell. Despite the success... the gunner wondered to himself... "do we have enough ammo?" 
Space Marine Losses: 1 Rhino Transport
Tyranids: 12 Hormagaunts. 

The Third Hour: "Hell from Below"
     In the third hour the hoards decended upon those that had to abandon their transport. The Hormagaunts killed 7 of the Marines that managed to escape the burning wreckage. One Marine was lost in the death of the Rhino.  The Marines fought back and forced the Hormagaunts off before killing the rest of them. The terrors did not end there.  Two Trygons emerged from the deep and brought with them the dooms of many others. The Genestealers emerge behind the tyranids and behind them the hells of the raveners. 
(Hell Emerges from Below) 
Space Marine Losses: 8 Tactical Marines, 1 Centurion 
Tyranids: 2 Tyrannofexes, 15 Hormagaunts. 

The Final Hour: "The Decisive Moment"
        Air Support has arrived. The Storm Raven and Storm Talon levy an unbelievable amount of fire into the rear lines killing the Tervigon and the Zoanthropes. The Psychic Shreak from their death, kill all but 4 Hormagaunts. The Trygons are killed by Centurions and by another tactical marine squad. The Hive mind is angered by the loss of biomass. It takes aim and kills three more space marines, but it focuses most of its effort on taking out the largest destroyer of biomass... the Fellhammer. 30 Genestealers emerge from the ground and swarm the Fellhammer ripping the armor to shreds with rending claws. Ultimately the Tyranids retreat to consolidate their forces for the next round. 

Final Results: Sound Victory for the Sword of Macragge. While the loss of the Fellhammer was a devistating loss for the Campaign of the Sword of Macragge, the loss of Tyranids that day made the victory pretty sound. The true question shall be whether or not the losses on the side of the Space Marines will at all damage their ability to hold off the swarms festering in the north... 

Well Done Space Marines. 

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