Sunday, March 30, 2014

Battle Report: "A Red Buffet"

Mission Details:

The Tyranids advance into Blood Bath territory with one objective in mind. To Feast.

The Factions:

Blood Bath:
2 Captains
1 Sanguinary Priest
1 Tactical Squad
2 Dreadnaught
1 Death Company
1 Death Company Dreadnaughts
6 Vindicators
3 Land Raiders
2 Terminator Squads

2 Zoanthropes
2 Carnifexes
2 Tyrannofexes
2 Trygon Primes
1 Flying Hive Tyrant
1 Bio Titan
3 (20) Genestealers
1 (15) Gargoyles

The Battle:

Courageously the last man of the Blood Bath Death Company dies in combat with the Tyrranofex.

The Genestealers swarm through the breaches in the Blood Bath's Outpost walls.
Many of the Defenders are hacked apart before getting off a shot.
The BioTitan looms over the battlespace. Many Marines have already perished in the attempt to kill the behemoth.
Not even the mighty landraider is a match for the Carnifexes Crushing Claws.
The Blood Bath reinforcements are destroyed upon entering the field as they realize that their coming here was in vain.

The last bastion of resistance is swept aside as the genestealer horde charges in.

The Dead:

Lots of Genestealers but no full units are lost.

Blood Bath:
Vindicator Squadron
Death Company
Tactical Squad
Two Terminator Squad
Sanguinary Priest
2 Captains
Centurion Squad
Three Landraiders
Storm Raven Gunship
Death Company Dreadnaught
Dreadnaught and Drop Pod

Result: Sweeping Tyranid Victory.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Battle Report: "No one can stop us... no one."

Mission Details: The Tryand Strike Force has surged forwards and the Imperial Joint Strike Force has countered their advance with a combined Infantry Artillery Battlegroup
Fitting Song: Apocalypse Warrior - Kosinus Music 

The Factions:

Imperial Joint Strike Force

Company Command Squad
3 x Infantry Platoons
1  Storm Trooper Squad
7 x Basilisks
1 Hydra Flak Battery
2 x Baneblade

3 x (20) Genestealer Broods (represented in some cases by Hormagaunts)
1 x (2)  Zoanthrope Brood
2 Carnifex
2 Trygons Prime
1 (20) Gargoyle Brood
1 Flying Hive Tyrant "Steve"

1 Hierophant Biotitan
2 Tyrannofex

The attack columns of the Imperial Joint Strike Force move to engage the Tyranid threat.

The Tyranid swarms onto the battlespace.
The Guard readies itself for the coming storm
 The Red Banner of the 795th waves overhead.
 The Artillery Shells crash into the Tyranid Horde.

Turn 1:
Tyranid Losses: 33 Genestealers, 2 Carnifexs, 2 Tyrannofexes, Winged Hive Tyrant
Imperisl Joint Strike Force: 22 Guardsmen
 The Bio Titan spits its acidic venom into the ranks of the guarsmen. Somehow their morale doesn't crumble and they stand fast.
 The Bio Titan Closes in and the Guard levies every shot it can into its chitinous carapace.
 The Ultima Ratio Regum "The Final Argument of Kings" 795th Baneblade

 The Bio Titan and all of its minions have been leveled under an unrelenting hail of shells and lasgun shots.

Turn 2:
Tyranid Losses: Bio Titan, 27 Genestealers, 2 Zoanthropes, 15 Gargoyles
 Trygon Primes erupt from the depths.
 The Guardsmen are unprepared for the horror that is about to befall them.
 Almost completely annihilated somehow the guardsmen managed to not rout in a spectacular display of courage.
 The Baneblades of the IJSF mercilessly wipe out the vain glorious assault of the Tyranids 

Turn 3:
Tyranid Losses: 2 Trygon Primes
IJSF: 61 Guardsmen

Final Results:
Though badly bloodied the Guard lost no single unit in its entirety but not only that, they IJSF has annihilated to the last bug the entire invading Tyranid Strike Force. The Bug will not forget this defeat and the Guard will never forget their grudge.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Turn 2 Opening Moves

The second turn has started with open war across the battlefront. The forces of Imperial Judgement have turned on their allies. A full invasion of the the western island has also been commenced. The tyranid infestation has begun their assault on the Blood Bath forces. Hopefully it won't turn out the way turn one did.

The rechristened Sword of Macragge strike force Indomitable has commenced a long march to invade the Tyranid Infestation. Will their forces we able to break through. The Tyranids continued their drive on the Sword of Macragge capital, with reinforcements on the way can the Sword of Judgement avoid a poor verdict?

Meanwhile in the frozen north the Joint Imperial Strike Force has begun to mobilize. Launching an assault on the forces of Blood Bath to the north. But even along their southern border the Tyranids have begun their assault. Can the brave troops of the 794th and 795th hold out? or will they meet a similar fate as those before them?

Thursday, February 27, 2014

End of the Turn Report

End of Turn Report:
     Turn 1 was bloody for some, but joyous for others. Stuck in a war on three fronts the Sword of Macragge was forced to fall back, consolidate forces, and close fronts before their thinly spread lines collapsed. The signing of the "Fox Bay Treaty" Stipulated the end of aggressions between the Sword of Macragge, Imperial Judgement, and Blood Bath. At home the Sword of Macragge fought a zero sum game, gaining one tile from the tyranids, but loosing another in the process. In the North neighbors of the Imperial Guard Joint Strike Force experienced peace, even along the boarder with the tyranids. After a botched invasion of the Sword of Macragge and a crushing defeat at the talons of the tyranids, Blood Bath falls back to lick its wounds. The month of February proved challenging, but with a little luck, reinforcements will arrive for the battered forces without incident.

Fitting Song: End War Trailer by Michael McCann

Turn Results:
Imperial Judgement: Up 3 tile
Sword of Macragge: Down 3 tile
Tyranids: Up 1 tile
Imperial Guard Joint Strike Force: No Gain, No Loss
Blood Bath: Down 1

Casualty Report:
Imperial Guard Joint Strike Force: 0
Imperial Judgement: 0

Blood Bath:
Terminator Captain
3Terminator Squads
Sanguinary Priest
2 Tactical Squads
2 Death Company Squads
2 Death Company Dreadnaughts
1 Land Raider
1 Centurion Squad
2 Vindicators
1 Dreadnaught
2 Storm Raven Gunships

Sword of Macragge:
1 Librarian
1 Sternguard Veteran Squad
1 Storm Talon
1 Storm Eagle
1 Devastator Squad
1 IG Veteran Squad

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Updating Strategic Display

     "Sir the Tyranids have overrun our position"
                        -2nd Company Captain

Battle Report: "Too Many to Save"


Mission Details: Tyranids have pressed their way into the western Island, invading the forces of Blood Bath. Can the Blood Bath 2nd Company survive the oncoming wave?

Fitting Song: Unstoppable by E.S. Posthumus

The Factions:

Blood Bath 2nd Company
Terminator Captain
Furioso Dreadnaught
Terminator Squad
Sanguinary Priest
Death Company
Death Company Dreadnaught
3x Tactical Squads
Drop Pod
Land Raider Redeemer
Storm Raven Gunship
Dreadnaught with assault Cannon
Vindicator Line Breaker Squadron

3 x (20) Genestealer Broods (represented in some cases by Hormagaunts)
1 x (2)  Zoanthrope Brood
2 Carnifex
2 Trygons Prime
1 (20) Gargoyle Brood
1 Flying Hive Tyrant "Steve"

1 Hierophant Biotitan
2 Tyrannofex

Blood Bath 2nd Company 

Tyranid Western Strike Force 

Turn 1: Let the Onslaught Begin 
The first turn depended entirely on the Blood Bath 2nd Company being able to levy enough fire to stop the front lines of the Tyranids from reaching the front lines of their own troops. As luck and the forces of fate would have it, they could not. The quick moving Tyranids flew across the field, sucessfully dodging the majority of the 2nd Company's shots. The Assault phase would let the 2nd Company know the price for poor aim. 
The Fronts Prepare to Meet
Blood Bath Losses: 1 Vindicator, 1 Death Company, 1 Death Company Dreadnaught 
Tyranid Losses: 1 Gargoyle, 4 Genestealers 

Turn 2: "Too Many Wounds to Save... even for you." 
This marked the turning point in the battle, already the Tyranids had pushed through the forward most units, this time the would solidify their victory. Killing an entire Tactical Squad which had been blinded by acid from the Biotitan as well as a second Vindicator the lines would not stop, they pressed onward killing any brave or stupid enough to stand in their way. The end was upon the 2nd Company before the beginning had come to a close. 
The Right Flank is Broken 
Turn 3: "All Units Fall Back!" 
    Turn Three all Blood Bath forces that could reach the edge of the battle field while the brave crew of the Storm Raven attempted rescue of those that could not. The biotitan did not let this go unnoticed, shooting down the Storm Raven, the terminators inside, and the Dreadnaught on the back. The Terminators survived the crash, only to meet a gruesome death at the hands of the Genestealer swarms below. The Dreadnaught, much luckier, managed to retreat to safety. 
Last Stand of the Terminators 

 Final Results: The Blood Bath 2nd Company was smart to retreat, preserving the majority of their forces as the Tyranids advanced onward to a sweeping victory. 
The Battle Space is Cleared

Battle Report: "The Blood Runs Thick"


Mission Details: The Sword of Macragge has invaded the Western Island. Furious with this encroachment, Blood Bath Dispatches the 1st Company to repel the invaders in what will become the most bloody battle fought in the first turn...

Fitting Song: World on Fire by Les Friction


Sword Of Macragge "Defenders of Humanity"

  • Relic Whirlwind  Scorpius 
  • Storm Talon Gunship
  • Devastator Squad 
  • Dreadnaught 
  • Imperial Guard Veteran Squad
  • Vendetta 
  • Imperial Guard Company Command Squad
  • Basilisk Artillery Piece. 
Tactical Asset Deployed: Signal Jammers 

Blood Bath: 1st Company
  • Terminator Captain
  • 3x Captains
  • 2x Terminator Squads
  • Sanguinary Priest
  • 3x Tactical Squads
  • Assault Squad 
  • Death Company
  • Death Company Dreadnaught 
  • Rhino 
  • Drop Pod
  • Land Raider
  • Land Raider Redeemer
  • Centurion Squad
  • Storm Raven Gunship
  • Vindicator 
  • Vindicator 
Tactical Asset Deployed: Minefield 

Blood Bath Deployment 
Sword of Macragge Deployment 

Turn 1: "A Critical Error Was Made" 
The Sword Of Macragge Remains Consolidated 
Deployment proved to be the death sentence for this battle. At 3:1 odds, the Sword of Macragge deployed themselves inside their outpost and held this position. This proved to be a problem for the spread out line of Blood Bath. With Ordinance raining down upon them, the slow moving Blood Angels Moved across the battlefield in an attempt to make it to the front lines of the outpost.  This however proved to be the bloodiest disadvantage for the larger forces. This was well noted by the Sword of Macragge Commanders...

Sword of Macragge Losses: 0
Blood Bath Losses: 1 Vindicator

Turn 2: "Deep Strike or Shallow Strike?"
Blood Bath Reserves Go Poorly 
The Second turn revealed the second error for the troops of the 1st Company. The Sword of Macragge had deployed signal jammers, this forced the reserves attempting deep strike to be redeployed elsewhere... this caused more Blood Angels to walk toward their target under the shelling of the Defenders of Humanity. This Turn Proved to be even bloodier. 

Sword of Macragge Loses: 0
Blood Bath Losses: Terminator Squad, Terminator Squad, Sanguinary Priest, Vindicator, Terminator Captain 

Turn 3: "Dealers of Death" 

Finally when it seemed that Blood Bath would deal no damage to the Defenders of Humanity, the Death Company Arrived in their Storm Raven Gunship and the Slaughter began. This forced the Sword of Macragge to request air support from another sector in the form of a Storm Eagle Gunship. 

The Death Company Assault on the Trench

The Trench is Cleared
Sword of Macragge Losses:  Devastator Squad and Imperial guard Veteran Squad
Blood Bath Losses: 0 

Turn 4: "BRING IT DOWN" 
The final turn brought death to the Blood Angels in a terrible fashion.  Artillery and Air Support from the Sword of Macragge Sealed the fate of the battle, destroying the Death Company along with a grand majority of the remaining Blood Bath Forces. At the end of the turn quarters was given to a retreating Blood Bath 1st Company. 

Carnage from Avove
End Results: 
    In a stunning and staggering victory by the Sword of Macragge, the Blood Bath 1st Company is forced into a full scale retreat to friendly territory. This is not without its cost to the Sword of Macragge. With most of its infantry destroyed, the remaining forces on this outpost are less than capable of pursuing or pressing an attack.